Hygge Harmony

Here you can find all items that match our "Hygge Harmony" set.


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121 products

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Das 'Romir' Kissen von Creative Collection vereint einen Batik-Look mit einer schönen Farbkombination und orangefarbenen NähtenCushion "Romir" Brown Cotton
Vase "Aura no1" AprikoseVase "Aura no1" apricot
Kunstdruck The TogoKunstdruck The Togo
Kunstdruck The Togo Sale priceFrom €70,00 EUR
Wanddekoration "Harlow" Schale Braun SteingutWall plate "Harlow" brown stoneware
Teppich "Zofia" Braun BaumwolleCarpet "Zofia" Brown Cotton
Duftkerze NO. 3 "Santal Fig" Blau Natürliches WachsScented Candle NO. 3 "Santal Fig" Blue Natural Wax
Skulptur 'Indo' in Weiß – Minimalistische Eleganz aus ZementSculpture "Indo" Decoration White Cement
Die Tischlampe 'Rama' von BloomingvilleTable lamp "Rama" white stoneware
Der Haze Loungestuhl in Braun Naturfarben bietet Luxus, Stil und Komfort für ein modernes Zuhause.Lounge chair "Haze" brown natural
Schachtel 'Samira' mit Deckel in Orange – Farbenfrohe Aufbewahrung mit StilBox "Samira" Box with lid Orange Paper
Kunstdruck Serene StripesKunstdruck Serene Stripes
Kunstdruck Serene Stripes Sale priceFrom €50,00 EUR
Teppich "Rodin" Braun JuteCarpet "Rodin" Brown Jute
Tagesdecke "Abstract I"
Tobias Degel
Bedspread "Abstract I" Sale price€120,00 EUR
Raumteiler "BALI" Trennwand Rattan Gewebt NaturRoom divider "BALI" partition wall rattan woven natural
Die Toofan Vase aus der Creative Collection ist aus Steinzeug mit reaktiver Glasur in einer reizvollen braunen Farbe gefertigt und besticht durch ihre runde Form und kleinen Pünktchen.Vase "Toofan" yellow stoneware
Der Loungesessel Lennox von Creative Collection aus robustem Teakholz besticht mit einem coolen schwarzen und naturgrafischen Muster, ideal als gemütliche Lieblingsecke oder in Kombination mit Ihrem Sofa.Lounge chair "Lennox" natural teak
Halfdan Vase in Weißem SteingutVase "Halfdan" White Stoneware
Schrank "MERGE" nature w/rattanCabinet "MERGE" nature w/rattan
Lounge Stuhl "HAZEL" SchwarzLounge chair "HAZEL" Black
Nordal A/S
Lounge chair "HAZEL" Black Sale price€397,00 EUR
Kissen 'Galia' in Braun – Weiche Baumwolle mit stilvollem Muster.Cushion "Galia" Brown Cotton
The ChrysanthemumThe Chrysanthemum
The Chrysanthemum Sale priceFrom €27,00 EUR
Irini Vase - Handbemalte SteingutvaseVase "Irini" White Stoneware
Araba Vase in Weißem Steingut - Handgefertigte EleganzVase "Araba" White Stoneware
Bing Vase in Blauem GlasVase "Bing" Blue Glass
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Kissen 'Risca' in Natur – Skandinavischer Stil trifft auf feine Stickerei.Pillow "Risca" natural cotton
Hängeleuchte 'Tano' aus Naturseegras – Natürlicher Charme für Ihr Zuhause.Hanging lamp "Tano" natural seagrass
Das Amber Daybed ist ein modernes und stilvolles Möbelstück aus Eichenholz und Polyester in den Farben Orange, Beige und Naturfarben, perfekt für Wohn- und Schlafzimmer und bietet bequemen Sitz- und LiegekomfortDaybed "Amber" Beige Natural
Daraz Vase in Braunem Glas - MundgeblasenVase "Daraz" brown glass
Skulptur "Raheen" Deko Natur SteingutSculpture "Raheen" Decoration Natural Stoneware
Kunstdruck Light StripesKunstdruck Light Stripes
Kunstdruck Light Stripes Sale priceFrom €50,00 EUR
Lampe "JUTA" NaturHanging lamp "JUTA" natural
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Teppich "The Raffia Fringed" Natur 180x240 cmCarpet "The Raffia Fringed" Natural 180x240 cm
The Line no.07The Line no.07
The Line no.07 Sale priceFrom €90,00 EUR
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Wandleuchte "AIDOS" natureWall light "AIDOS" nature
Duftkerze NO. 6 "Sequoia" Braun Natürliches WachsScented Candle NO. 6 "Sequoia" Brown Natural Wax
Kissen 'Katrin' in Braun – Nachhaltiger Chic mit verwaschenem Look.Cushion "Katrin" Brown Recycled Cotton
Pouf "Roberta" Braun PolyesterPouf "Roberta" Brown Polyester
Teppich "Huso" Gelb Baumwolle 140 x 200 cmTeppich 'Huso' in Gelb – Moderne Geometrie für lebendige Räume
Bloomingville Trudy Vase, Weiá, SteingutVase "Trudy" White Stoneware
#04 Abstract Flowers#04 Abstract Flowers
#04 Abstract Flowers Sale priceFrom €54,00 EUR
Bowl "Dais" Groß Pfirsich mit SockelBowl "Dais" Small Peach
Bowl "Dais" Groß PfirsichBowl "Dais" Large Peach
"Couchtisch 'Luppa' in Natur – Organisches Design aus Gummibaumholz."Coffee table "Luppa" natural rubber wood
Deko "Delier" Skulptur Braun PolyresinDecoration "Delier" sculpture brown polyresin
Die Deko-Vase "Nans" aus Natur-Terrakotta besticht durch ihre schlichte, becherartige Form und handgemalte grafische Muster, die jedes Stück zu einem einzigartigen Kunstwerk machen.Decorative vase "Nans" natural terracotta
Kabinett "Bandol" Natur MangoholzCabinet "Bandol" natural mango wood
Kerzenhalter "Tahoka" Blau KeramikCandle holder "Tahoka" blue ceramic
#11 Abstract Flowers#11 Abstract Flowers
#11 Abstract Flowers Sale priceFrom €54,00 EUR
#03 Abstract Flowers#03 Abstract Flowers
#03 Abstract Flowers Sale priceFrom €54,00 EUR
Stehlampe "CANE" Rattan NaturFloor lamp "CANE" rattan natural


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A harmonious home: create your own oasis of peace

Japandi, a fascinating fusion of Japanese minimalism and Scandinavian functionality, gives your home an ambience of calm and balance. Our Japandi sets offer you an exclusive selection of home accessories that not only impress with their simple elegance, but also with their well-thought-out functionality. This guide will guide you through the world of the Japandi style and help you create an atmosphere in which every aspect of your home feels harmonious and balanced.

What’s special about our Japandi sets:

Every detail of our Japandi sets has been carefully chosen to create an atmosphere of well-being. From soft colors to natural materials, these sets are more than just decorative items; they are an invitation to a lifestyle that focuses on calm and simplicity. Discover how our Japandi sets can transform any room in your home into an oasis of calm.

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Japandi goes beyond traditional decorating styles to offer a unique blend of aesthetics and practicality. Our sets are carefully curated to provide you with not only beauty but also functionality. Get inspired and create spaces that not only look beautiful but also reflect your personality while exuding a sense of serenity. With our Japandi sets, your home is not just a place to live, but a space that reflects your philosophy of life.